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Latest Info from PDT Regarding Social DisDANCE

Writer's picture: Michelle Jones WurtzMichelle Jones Wurtz

Hello Dancers and Family!

We hope you’re safe and getting used to how things are so different. As you probably already know, no Pennsylvania “non-life sustaining” businesses are allowed to re-open until at least May. Ugh! So, here is the latest plan of action.

  • Continue classes in a remote learning format. Students in the following classes: First Steps, Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet One, Intro to Tap/Jazz, and Beginning Tap/Irish will remain studying with pre-recorded lessons. We will send you Demo Dance Music if we haven’t already so that you’re able to practice the step patterns (except First Steps who will have a regular observation night rather than a dance piece to learn and perform). Other classes will continue with Zoom. If you cannot use Zoom due to an internet/computer issue, you will need to inform us ASAP. We will try to send you recorded lessons but they may be slightly different. You need to let us know so that we can offer a solution. Ms. Diane cannot do remote lessons so Ms. Megan will cover her Monday Ballet and Friday lessons starting April 13. ALL of her Tues., Wed., and Thurs. ballet classes will join Ms. Michelle. If you need teacher Zoom codes again, please reach out. Also, we are learning the Zoom settings and such as we do this and are getting better with the software. If you are having issues like us freezing up, you may want to use an Ethernet cable directly from your computer to your router rather than WiFi. You will be tethered then so a long cable would be best. It could be helpful.

  • The final session, which is scheduled to begin April 13, will still begin on time in this remote format and it will last ten weeks, however you will only pay for eight to make up for the two week shut down we had before we went to remote learning. The session will then last until June 19. We will return to the studio AS SOON AS WE CAN BUT ONLY WHEN DEEMED SAFE. Tuition deposits are due by April 18 and are as follows: Thirty Minute Lesson: $56.80 if paid in full by April 18 ($59.20 after). Forty-Five Minute Lesson: $98.40 if paid in full by April 18 ($103.20 after). Tues. to Fri. Sixty Minute Lesson: $108.80 if paid in full by April 18 ($114.40 after). Monday Only Sixty Minute Lesson (due to Memorial Day Holiday): $95.20 if paid in full by April 18 ($100.10 after). Tues. to Fri. Ninety Minute Lesson: $120 if paid in full by April 18 ($125.60 after). Monday Only Ninety Minute Lesson (due to Memorial Day Holiday): $105 if paid in full by April 18 ($109.90 if paid after). Those that take three classes weekly: $303.20 if paid by April 18 ($318.40 after). Four classes weekly: $369.60 if paid by April 18 ($388 after). Five classes weekly: $417.60 if paid by April 18 ($438.40 after). Six or more weekly: $475.20 if paid in full by April 18 ($499.20 after). Please pay by mailing in a check as like everyone, we are not going into the studio often and we are trying to cut our costs due to the lost income from the situation. Paying with a credit card costs us so we ask that you send in a check. All deposits must be paid by April 27 to remain taking Zoom lessons or to keep receiving recorded lessons. ALL dancers should be paid in full by May 16 to continue to the end of the session.

  • The Spring Demo will be delayed and be less formal. We know it’s not ideal to teach dance remotely and we don’t want to stress the dancers or teachers out. Also, the schools are not allowing us to rent theaters for an undetermined amount of time. Since we’re unsure when we can rehearse and work together, we want to take the pressure off of all of us. We also still want to give the dancers a chance to showcase their pieces in a special situation. We have decided to rent a fire hall and make the show more of an informal showcase rather than full on performance. We will do one demo showing, a break, and then another. There will be no need for backstage moms as the dancers can do this more the way we often do shows in nursing homes; and the students can use Ladies’ Rooms to change costumes while groups go and/or Ms. Michelle introduces the routines. Some dancers will need to perform in both shows and those parents will be allowed to purchase one ticket only and use it for both. ALL FAMILIES WILL GET TWO COMP TICKETS since this learning situation has been a hardship. Other tickets will only be $5 since this is a less formal environment. The performance will NOT BE BEFORE JUNE 20, and more likely mid-July since it will be a gathering with a large amount of people. We will schedule a practice or two after the session ends if we have to wait until mid-July to perform so dancers do not forget their choreography. It should be fun and much less stressful given the situation.

  • Jazzerella WILL be performed and we are looking for a venue in mid-August. If you were able to see the last Melange show, we are trying to get that venue in Norristown. There will of course be some refresher rehearsals once we are able to work together. Sit tight. ALL purchased tickets will be honored regardless of what is printed on them.

  • We had a few snow cancellations so once we are able to return to the studio, the following classes will get a lesson scheduled on a Saturday: Academy, Tap/Irish, Mon. Beg. and Adv.-Beg Ballet, Musical Theater, Inter. Tap, Adult Tap, Adv. Tap, Adv. Pointe, & Hip-Hop.

  • Repertory Ensemble students will still need to take their 12 classes this summer. Since life has altered so much, please inform us if there’s an issue as to how to schedule them all in. We’ve had some students do some privates, take class in another area, etc.

We are working very hard to keep the studio running and our students dancing. You have been working hard to help us manage this and we REALLY APPRECIATE IT! Thanks for your understanding and jumping into action as needed.


PDT Staff

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