“Acting for Film” with NYC Theater Actor Mark Stolzenberg
Sat, Oct 10
|“Acting for Film” with Mark Stolzenberg
Join us on Zoom for a class focusing on monologues, facial work, and camera techniques. Cost is $30 per person and can be paid at Pottstown Dance Theatre or online through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/pottstowndance

Time & Location
Oct 10, 2020, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
“Acting for Film” with Mark Stolzenberg
About the event
You can read about Mark on the website “New York Acting School for Film and Television”. Join us on Zoom for a class focusing on monologues, facial work, and camera techniques. Cost is $30 per person and can be paid at Pottstown Dance Theatre and we accept cash, check, or credit cards. We can arrange a time to run credit card numbers to limit contact. Payment can also be accepted online thorugh Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/pottstowndance
These skills assist for dancers and actors of all levels and will help with transitioning into more “virtual” work currently needed in the pandemic. As we get closer, those that have registered and paid will receive a Zoom link. (Advanced Technique that Saturday will be cancelled. You can join the 10:15 Intermediate Ballet via Zoom if you still want dance during that time slot. Use the Studio 2 Zoom code.) Do not let a virus stop…